For Global Packaging & Export - Blackberry Email Setup
Remove old email account
1. Menu Button
2. Setup icon
3. Email Settings icon
4. With your email account highlighted - Menu button
5 Delete
6 Yes - to are you sure you want to delete?
Add new server email account
1. Add (from previous screen)
2. Other
3. Email address = (use your own email here)
4 Password
5. Next
6. OK - when you get a message "Invalid email address ....."
7. select "I will provide the settings"
8. Outlook Web Access (Exchange)
9. Email address = (use your email address)
10. password
11. Outlook Web Access URL = (be sure to get the S after httpS)
12. User name = mfrancis (use your mailbox name)
13: Mailbox name = mfrancis (use yours)