If you have your business phone number enabled for Vitelity SMS text messages you can
1. Receive Text Messages sent by clients, etc. to your business phone number as an email to you
2. Initiate Text Messages to your clients from your email software.
Receive - you will receive an email that looks like the following when someone sends a text message to your business phone number. In this example the Text Message that was send just said -
Please send me your catalog
Email received: (please note, if sender does not indicate their name, you will only have their mobile number)
To: (513) 321-xxxx (my business phone number)
From: "WIRELESS CALLER" (513) 543-xxxx (originating mobile number)
Message: Please send me your catalog
Note: You can reply to this message just keep it under 312 characters and only hit enter after you're done typing the message.
If you then send a reply from your email software it will look to the original sender like it was just a regular Text Message being sent back to them even though you sent it from your email software.
Initiate - You can initiate a Text Message from your email software if you use the following format.
Note: This will only work if the email is sent from the Email Address that is registered to receive the emails.
The email address you send to should be Mobilenumber-of-addressee@textmessage.org
Keep your message to 312 characters
Remember to let your recipient know who you are since they will only see your phone number